ETRA ART E è un concetto che prende forma in un Art MAGAzine... Artisti, Teorici, Autori, Designer, Creativi, sono invitati a contribuire ad un'atmosfera che capovolge ogni volta il tema trattato.


La redazione di Etraarte ricerca collaboratori che hanno voglia come noi di partecipare, sviluppare ed arricchire con nuove idee, progetti questo giovane progetto editoriale.
In particolare siamo alla ricerca di gente attiva e spontanea da qualsiasi parte del mondo che abbia voglia di parlare, scrivere, creare nuovi contenuti che, con i più diversi linguaggi espressivi siano culturalmente validi a continuare un confronto tra chi crede che la creatività sia un mezzo per vivere meglio.

domenica 15 giugno 2008

30.August -9.Berlin Fotomarathon

Dear Fotomarathon Friends,
Finally some news from the Berlin Fotomarathon!

1.Leave your calendar open for August 30th.
2.New team members wanted
3.2007 Winner Photos are online
4.FLICKR Page & Group for Fotomarathon
5.Registration starts on June 15th

1. Clear your calendar for August 30th !
The 9th Berlin Fotomarathon is already under preparation – it will take place on Saturday August 30th, still in Summer as many of you had requested.

As announced, the Fotomarathon will again be digital. After a successful full run in 2007, the software is now ready to collect and process all photos.

2. New Team Members wanted
The small team of volunteers at Fotomarathon is looking for 2 -3 new members: Are you a good organizer? Do you like working with people? Are you passionate about photography and Berlin ? Would you like some hands on experience at leading a small organization? Then this might be for you! Below are the kinds of things the FM team has to do to ensure the FM is a success.

- Outreach: contact with sponsors, press and media. Write press communiqués, calling up journalists, contacting sponsors.

- Organization of Fotomarathon and Jury session. We need to discuss the themes, arrange for the logistics, find the stations, organize a session for

Jurors to choose the prizes.

- Organization of Exhibition: from finding a space to preparing the photos and hanging them up! Greeting visitors and organizing the award ceremony.
This is the ideal chance! for those of you who are already, or are on the way to be, event managers, journalists, entrepreneurial photographers and
communicators. A fun and rewarding experience to be part of an innovative Berlin event!

If you are interested, please write by 30th June to: with Subject: NEW FM TEAM. On July 1st at 19.30 we will organize an information session in a café in Friedrichshain to greet those who have replied and have our first meeting.

We welcome also other kinds of support. Do you know a great place for an exhibition, and can help us contacting the right people? Do you know
somewhere that would make an excellent Station for the Fotomarathon? Let us know, drop us a line!

3. 2006 Winner Photos and Photo Gallery are online in our website.
In addition, you can read how the winners conceived their photoseries and how they experienced the Fotomarathon day. For more, see:

4. FOTOMARATHON Berlin has a FLICKR Page and a FLICKR group.
You can see full size pictures of photos, leave your comments in our new Flickr page and post your photos to the Fotomarathon group. You can see not only the winner series, many participants have uploaded their own Fotos. Flickr is now available in German as well:

5. Registration to open as from 20.June
As in 2007, registration will only be online. We will continue offering online payment channel, via PayPal, for those who want to confirm their registration number immediately.

We hope you are getting ready for the second digital Berlin Fotomarathon –we would love to welcome! some of you as new members.
With warm spring regards,

The Fotomarathon team

(foto di Gianfranco Masi che ringrazia Max e la sua fantasiosa casa a Berlino)

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